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Did you make it to DC this weekend? Wow, what a turnout huh? Have a beautiful day!
Unfortunately, I live way too far away from DC to make the trip for the protest.
DD and George... I live to far away too... We made special plans a month in advance in 2005 when we went. Then Katrina hit and it took the focus away from how big that march was...
I didn't make it DD but I was with you in spirit... Been collecting links to pics and a few with Code Pink, my favorite women for peace in them...
Booman Tribune Diary - Protest Pics
Booman Tribune Diary - More Pics
One of those links has some pink pics... grin...
Thanks to you and George and all those who are willing to stand up for what is right about this country and protesting what is wrong with the incompetent leadership we have had for 6 years...
- fc
dto... fair warning bud... keep up the bs comments and you will be banned...
dto... First let let me say that you do not really deserve much of an explanation. Anyone who condones death threats as you and OPNation do on his blog post about the euthanasia of Clinton deserves nothing. That is a symptom of a weak and shallow mind on the part of both of you and people like you that do such things without thinking.
Please note this in my 'disclaimer' section at the bottom of all my pages ::
My respect for the free speech rights of others doesn't translate into a personal obligation to provide a public venue for opinions with which I disagree. All comments are subject to my approval.
For now I have turned on comment moderation as a first step in controlling your seemingly alcohol induced comments. Further steps will be taken if you do not head these warnings...
- fc
Good day to you all
The fighting never stops, doesn't it
Done. (Better late than never--both for me sending the email and for the government to close the Guantanamo Gulag).
Very interesting and well written article. Thank you!
I just read that 3 detainees have finally been charged with "crimes" under the new Pentagon rules. I have no doubt they will be given the death penalty based on coerced testimony. It will be an interesting trial to watch, or would be if we would get any access to it or information about it, which we probably won't be allowed to get.
I agree, close GITMO asap.
It's our country's biggest source of shame. Besides the illegal wars, I mean.
Aren't they prisoners of war? What are we supposed to do with prisoners of war?
When Amnesty International is weighing in you've got a bad situation. The US is not the country you'd expect them to be on for violating human rights, but we are. Unfortunately this administration will dismiss this very important group, who has done such admirable work over the years, as a bunch of radicals. that in and of itself is yet another crime.
Thanks to all those who have commented.
John Murtha is supposedly going to make public his plan for dealing with the criminal in the White House today. It includes, I think, provisions for doing away with Gitmo... About time...
marie... let's see... prisoners of war you ask... They go in Prisoner of War Camps don't they...? Not in some off-shore legal-limbo excuse for one... If they are POW's then charge them and put them on trial, not hold them until they go insane... Thanks for asking...
ricardo... This criminal cabal in the WH has done so much that goes against the grain of what it means to be a good steward of our Constitution... Truly sad...
shelly... It will be very interesting to see what they do with these people... The sooner the better, so the healing can begin...
- fc
If people only knew. Our Government and it's state agencies are rarely above board on so many things and details. I know, I found out, first hand, up close and personal.
Perhaps one of the most tragic twists to this situation is end result.
While the initial dragnet may very well have managed to scoop up a dozen would be terrorists off the global streets, it also grabbed hundreds of innocents.
I don't care who you are, after being imprisoned and abused for 5+ years by any person, place or thing... although you entered into it with perspective, you will exit deeply biased.
By taking a dozen terrorists out of circulation, we will eventually be reintroducing hundreds of fresh malcontents, all with a scar on their psyche constantly reminding them how much they hate the United States.
Then again, whats the difference this time around than any other. The United States has created almost all her enemies. We train them, supply them, we even attempt to influence their politics and way of life. Then when we are tired of them, we spit them out like yesterdays garbage. In short, the world is full of bazooka wielding jaded lovers (Carrie Fisher in the Blues Brothers anyone? ^^).
Guaranteed, more of those detainees will come out terror bent than what went in that way.
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