Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mandate for Peace!

Sign the Mandate for Peace!

The people have spoken out through the 2006 mid-term election. By voting out pro-war candidates and changing control over Congress, we have repudiated war policies and issued a mandate for new policies that promote peace and international cooperation. We insist that the newly elected Congress, in its earliest days in office, pass legislation requiring the prompt removal of all US troops from Iraq and discontinue funding for military purposes in Iraq except the safe withdrawal of all U.S. forces.
Mandate For Peace Mandate for Peace!

The people have spoken out through the 2006 mid-term election. By voting out pro-war candidates and changing control over Congress, we have repudiated war policies and issued a mandate for new policies that promote peace and international cooperation.

More and more of us understand that the Bush administration's invasion of Iraq was based on lies, that it was unjustified and illegal, and that it has sullied our reputation around the world and made us less safe at home. For months now, polls have shown that a majority of Americans (including active duty troops in Iraq) want the US troops to come home. Several polls have shown that the vast majority of Iraqis also want all foreign occupation forces to leave their country.

In order to restore the bonds of trust between the people--who want a swift end to the Iraq war--and our elected representatives--who have not represented the will of the majority with regards to Iraq--the peace-loving people of the United States issue the following call:

We insist that the newly elected Congress, in its earliest days in office, pass legislation requiring the prompt removal of all US troops from Iraq and discontinue funding for military purposes in Iraq except the safe withdrawal of all U.S. forces.

Additionally, Congress should:

- Make real its existing stated commitment to no permanent US military bases in Iraq.
- Support an Iraqi-led reconciliation process to shape a peaceful post-occupation transition.
- Investigate and punish companies engaged in illegal war profiteering.
- Commit significant funds to the reconstruction of Iraq, under the control and direction of Iraqis.
- Provide funding for full benefits, adequate healthcare, and other support for returning servicemen and women.
- Make every effort possible to ensure the peaceful resolution of conflicts with Iran and North Korea.

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Blogger Jon said...

You are sadly mistaken if you think there is a Mandate for peace since the majority of Democrats that voted for the war are still in Congress. These same people can't agree on any course in Iraq that campaigned on that they wanted to change.

Thu Nov 23, 10:09:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As an American Combat Veteran I can state unequivocally that no one desires peace more than a Soldier.

The Soldier is not political, but is an instrument by which a political end is gained when diplomacy has failed.

I feel diplomacy was not able to work in the pre-war weeks and months because of many reasons including a fundamental misunderstanding of the history and cultures that make up modern day Iraq.

Islam is a religion of Peace, kindness and generosity; and unfortunately the Radical & Violent factions use the enabling media of the West to spread their poisonous messages, where the Peaceful True Islamic faithful attempt to just survive the onslaught and weather the storms of Civil War.

When a Peaceful and true practitioner of the Islamic faith finds his or her voice and takes a stand for peace, they are violently silenced by the Poisoned Radicals that control their zones like a Falcon stalks the air and kills a Dove for being a Dove.

So declare you stance on Peace and Demand it of your Governments but don't cast blame on the Soldier who would die protecting the Doves from the Falcons.

Peace be with you

Dave Dragon

Fri Nov 24, 07:46:00 PM EST  
Blogger Unknown said...

I am assuming you've sent the mandate for peace to the terrorists who have been killing Americans since the early 70's. I'm all for peace, however, laying down your arms in the face of an enemy that wants you dead is not only placing a lot of faith in your particular belief system but also, pretty damn dumb. But that's just me. Good luck.

Fri Nov 24, 10:52:00 PM EST  
Blogger People in the Sun said...

Wayne, I think the problem is that you've read only the title of this petition. The cynics in the Republican Party tried before the election to convince voters that Democrats will not hesitate to give US passports to terrorists, and--what the hell--supply them with the 72 virgins while the prepare for their attacks. The Republican talking heads never believed their poll-numbers-induced desperate statements, and neither should you.

This petition, as you would have seen had you bothered to scroll down instead of giving in to your rage and arrogance, calls for genuine attempts at peace with Iran and N. Korea, not for giving them our weapons; it calls for getting the hell out of the diversion in Iraq, which would make the war on terror more focused.

Jon, is that English?

Fri Nov 24, 11:08:00 PM EST  
Blogger RevJim said...

Where will Al Qaeda go to fight us after we leave them Iraq? Will you volunteer your city?

Tue Nov 28, 02:48:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The anti-war movement...

still hating America after all these years.

Tue Nov 28, 05:53:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Send the ACLU over there in place of the soldiers . I am sure the can bore the H*** ou tof the enemy

Tue Nov 28, 10:29:00 PM EST  
Blogger People in the Sun said...

Anons and rev, despite your interesting comments, I'm still not convinced. You present a valuable addition to the discussion of whether the war in Iraq should continue as it does, with more soldiers and Iraqis dying for nothing or whether the US should attempt a different strategy to create peace in the Middle East.

I'm just a stubborn fool, I know. Here I am arguing with the validity of your arguments while I know political science students around the world will memorize your comments in the future.

I can see it now... "In 2006, Revjim proved most of the people in America actually hated America, while the renowned Anonymous showed us the light by telling us the ACLU should fight in Iraq."

Sat Dec 02, 09:16:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi people
I do not know what to give for Christmas of the to friends, advise something ....

Sun Dec 03, 12:57:00 PM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello. Good day
Who listens to what music?
I Love songs Justin Timberlake and Paris Hilton

Mon Dec 04, 09:10:00 AM EST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nicely said, Dave. Too bad Jon's a douche and has to spread his bullshit everywhere.

Thu Dec 07, 08:38:00 PM EST  

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