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Nothing seems to be penetrating Bush's cranium and making him rethink his failures in Iraq.
You know and you must remember this summer all your dummycrats saying, "we need more troops"
Well know how convenient of you all now to change your MINDS!
Aint changed my mind one little bit, dto... Never advocated sending more troops. Only bringing them home. If I were you I would not be pointing fingers at people about their record when you look at your war hero in the white house's dirty laundry list... The blood of 3030 soldiers and thousands of Iraqi are on Bushji's hands... Have you washed yours today...?
dtodeen is one of those Chimpletons that cherry-picks things that maybe one or two people might have said, and then tries to apply it to everybody.
This is, of course, a key catechism of his religion, as handed down by Archbishop Rove and Cardinal Mehlman. But he might as well say it to himself, because nobody listens to the Chimpletons anymore.
Just let us finish our job please, how we got there doesn't matter now that we are there we have a job to do.
if we don't win this war, our children will be fighting the same war, only it will be in our own front yards. for the future of America and and children, kill the arabs!
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