Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Ending The War

I strongly agree with Senate Democrats' efforts to start bringing our troops home, narrow the mission of those that remain and pursue a political settlement in Iraq.

We should withdraw our combat troops by early 2008, except for a limited number necessary to keep training Iraqis and to deny terrorists a sanctuary.

And we should do that in the context of a comprehensive political, diplomatic and economic strategy that gives us a chance to leave Iraq without leaving chaos behind.


Revise Our Iraq Policy

Reid-Biden-Levin Joint Resolution To Revise United States Policy On Iraq


  • We support the troops;
  • The circumstances cited in the 2002 use of force authorization have changed substantially;
  • U.S. troops should not be policing a civil war;
  • U.S. policy in Iraq must change to emphasize the need for a political solution in order to maximize the chances for success and more effectively wage the war on terror.

Redeployment of U.S. Forces From Iraq

  • The President shall promptly transition the mission of U.S. forces in Iraq and begin the phased redeployment no later than 120 days following enactment;
  • Goal to redeploy all combat forces from Iraq by March 31, 2008 except for a limited number that are essential for the following purposes:
    • Force protection
    • Training and equipping Iraqi troops
    • Targeted counter-terror operations

New Comprehensive Strategy to Ensure Stability in Iraq

  • Redeployment shall be implemented as part of a comprehensive economic, diplomatic, and political strategy that includes sustained engagement with Iraq's neighbors and the international community;
  • New policy seeks to change course, transition the mission, and bring stability to Iraq.

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Thursday, January 25, 2007

Close Guantanamo

For the past five years, the United States has held hundreds of men from over 45 countries in Guantanamo Bay. Not a single person has been convicted of a crime, and three men died of apparent suicides. Today marks five years since the US first transferred men to indefinite and arbitrary detention. Five years of lawlessness is enough – demand that the detention facilities at Guantanamo be closed.

Amnesty International USA

George W. Bush (Republican) - President

Call for the Closure of Guantanamo

I urge you to take all necessary steps to close the detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Over the past five years, the US has detained over 700 men from over 45 nations in Guantanamo. Despite numerous allegations of torture and ill-treatment, international condemnation, three deaths in custody, several unfavorable court decisions, and not a single conviction of a detainee for any crime, your administration has responded by building more permanent facilities. No amount of permanent structures will make the detentions at Guantanamo lawful – it is time to shut it down.

Guantanamo has come to symbolize US human rights violations committed in the name of the “war on terror.” People currently in Guantanamo have been subjected to torture or other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment. Some have been subjected to unfair trial proceedings. Some have been rendered to third countries that torture. Still others have been disappeared into secret CIA prisons. By continuing to insist that the United States has the right to detain people indefinitely without access to courts and outside the rule of law, you have placed the United States squarely on the wrong side of history and in defiance of international law.

The America I believe in would close Guantanamo and lead the world on human rights. Five years of lawlessness is too long. All those detained in Guantanamo should be charged immediately and given a fair trial, or released unconditionally and not sent anywhere where they would face torture or other human rights abuses. It is time to bring America back into the community of nations as a country that upholds human rights and the rule of law.

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Thursday, January 11, 2007

Stop Escalation in Iraq

Peace Action has created this reaction to Bush's refusal to accept the public's wishes to end this war.   A poll taken after his speech shows 70% - 30% that people oppose sending more troops.   This along with Republicans taking a stand against him clearly shows he is not listening and will not listen to us without extreme pressure.

Not much can be further said about what this madman is capable of doing.   The time to stop the repeat of mistakes he has made over and over is at hand.   We must take every opportunity to let our lawmakers know that we want it stopped and our troops brought home.   I urge you to join me in this effort...   - fc
Peace Action

Stop the escalation in Iraq
- A non-binding resolution is not enough

Washington, D.C. - The nation's largest grassroots peace organization today condemned President Bush's "new strategy" for Iraq as out of touch with reality and a recipe for continued violence, and urged Congress to act decisively to stop the planned escalation of the war.

"Mr. Bush says that 'failure in Iraq would be disastrous,' yet it is his own policy of invasion and occupation that has failed so miserably, and that is precisely why we are seeing the disastrous consequences in Iraq and the Middle East today," said Kevin Martin, Executive Director of Peace Action. "He talks about sending in more U.S. troops to quell the insurgency, yet it is the very presence of our troops, seen as an occupying force by most Iraqis, that sparked the insurgency. He talks about the war in Iraq as part of a war on terror, yet he ignores the unanimous conclusion of his own intelligence agencies, in a National Intelligence Estimate leaked last fall, that the U.S. presence in Iraq has made the terrorist problem worse."

"Mr. Bush is willing to ignore the clear reality on the ground, disregard the advice of his own generals, and dismiss the will of the American people, who oppose this escalation. That is why it is now time for Congress to step in and stop the war."

Stop the escalation in Iraq - A non-binding resolution is not enough

I am writing to express my outrage and distress that after four years of a failed war and military occupation in Iraq, President Bush is trying to send even more U.S. troops there. I urge you in the strongest possible terms to do everything you can to stop this escalation.

As a supporter of Peace Action, and a deeply concerned citizen, I want you to know that a non-binding resolution is not enough - since Mr. Bush clearly doesn't care about either the facts on the ground or the wishes of the American public, who strongly oppose such an escalation, you must take responsibility to proactively stop this escalation.

More U.S. troops have not stopped the violence in Iraq before, and will not now. In fact, they will only provide more targets, and instigate more resistance. The only answer is to pull U.S. troops out, in a phased, responsible manner, and engage all parties and all of Iraq's neighbors in a process to stabilize the country and end the violence.

But above all, no more U.S. troops should be sent to Iraq. I urge you to do everything in your power to stop this.

Please let me know what you plan to do about this most crucial of issues.

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Wednesday, January 10, 2007

No Escalation in Iraq


No Escalation in Iraq

President Bush is about to propose to send more troops to Iraq and escalate the war. This would make things worse--getting us deeper into the quagmire. The American people sent a message in November that they want an end to the war. We, the undersigned, believe...

"Congress must act to block Bush's escalation in Iraq.
We need a responsible end to the war, not an escalation."

Dear Representative and Senators,

I am opposed to an escalation of the U.S. occupation in Iraq as President Bush is reportedly considering. Escalation is the wrong answer and should be off the table. Instead we should be working to end the war and start a responsible exit. The Congress should block the president's escalation. I urge you to support legislation that would do that.

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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Bring Them Home Now

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Iraq Casualty Count 2006

The numbers speak for themselves.   More now have died in Bush's War of Terror than did on 9-11.   Bush's reaction to the mandate of the November 2006 Elections is to "Surge" ahead with more troops, more death, more dire consequences for which he has no answers.   Hat Tip to Professor Marcus at And, Yes, I DO Take It Personally who reminded me of the need to show these figures..   It is time for the death and destruction to stop.

Iraq Casualties   Iraq Casualties

Iraq Casualities

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mandate for Peace!

Sign the Mandate for Peace!

The people have spoken out through the 2006 mid-term election. By voting out pro-war candidates and changing control over Congress, we have repudiated war policies and issued a mandate for new policies that promote peace and international cooperation. We insist that the newly elected Congress, in its earliest days in office, pass legislation requiring the prompt removal of all US troops from Iraq and discontinue funding for military purposes in Iraq except the safe withdrawal of all U.S. forces.
Mandate For Peace Mandate for Peace!

The people have spoken out through the 2006 mid-term election. By voting out pro-war candidates and changing control over Congress, we have repudiated war policies and issued a mandate for new policies that promote peace and international cooperation.

More and more of us understand that the Bush administration's invasion of Iraq was based on lies, that it was unjustified and illegal, and that it has sullied our reputation around the world and made us less safe at home. For months now, polls have shown that a majority of Americans (including active duty troops in Iraq) want the US troops to come home. Several polls have shown that the vast majority of Iraqis also want all foreign occupation forces to leave their country.

In order to restore the bonds of trust between the people--who want a swift end to the Iraq war--and our elected representatives--who have not represented the will of the majority with regards to Iraq--the peace-loving people of the United States issue the following call:

We insist that the newly elected Congress, in its earliest days in office, pass legislation requiring the prompt removal of all US troops from Iraq and discontinue funding for military purposes in Iraq except the safe withdrawal of all U.S. forces.

Additionally, Congress should:

- Make real its existing stated commitment to no permanent US military bases in Iraq.
- Support an Iraqi-led reconciliation process to shape a peaceful post-occupation transition.
- Investigate and punish companies engaged in illegal war profiteering.
- Commit significant funds to the reconstruction of Iraq, under the control and direction of Iraqis.
- Provide funding for full benefits, adequate healthcare, and other support for returning servicemen and women.
- Make every effort possible to ensure the peaceful resolution of conflicts with Iran and North Korea.

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