Sunday, August 13, 2006

Peace Voter 2006

Peace Action       Peace Action's Peace Voter Pledge is a part of the Voters for Peace Pledge Coalition. Peace Action is working in partnership with more than two dozen organizations to build a national bloc of peace voters that politicians cannot afford to ignore. Take the pledge!

As the war becomes more deadly, costly and counter-productive each day, a growing majority of citizens want to see a change of course in Iraq and U.S. foreign policies that better reflect American values.

With mid-term elections approaching, Peace Action's Peace Voter 2006 campaign will bring the occupation of Iraq and other key foreign policy issues to the forefront of the electoral debate.

We will put our elected officials on record on critical peace and security issues and demand their commitment to a more responsible foreign policy for our country.

By making peace the top priority in 2006, you can make a big impact at the local level, helping to build a powerful movement of people willing to organize for peace on Election Day, and beyond. This November, let's hold Congress accountable to the rising tide of public opinion that's urging an end to the war in Iraq and a new direction for U.S. relations with the world.

Become a Peace Voter today.

Peace Voter 2006
The Peace Voter Pledge

I will not vote for or support any candidate for Congress who does not make a speedy end to the war in Iraq, and the prevention of any future war of aggression, a public position in his or her campaign.

Take the Pledge Today...
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